Poster Session 1, Wed, June 12, 2024

All indicated times are in CEST (GMT +2). Convert CEST into any time zome.

Session 1: Aircraft, marine and other non-road sources 

Session 3: Emission control 


Samuel af Ugglas, Scania & Department of Chemical Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
«Distribution of particulate matter to extend heavy-duty diesel particulate filter service life»

Session 4: Emission control  and periodical technical inspection (PTI)


Hiroyuki Yamada, Tokyo Denki University
«PN measurement at PTI in Japan»


Session 5: Biomass-, biofuel- and synfuel combustion


Jiun-Horng Tsai, Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University. Taiwan, ROC
«Air Toxics Emissions from Cogeneration Boilers by Applying Multiple Fuels in Taiwan»

Session 8: Brake and tyre wear, non-combustion emissions


Session 10: Ambient air & soot particles, secondary pollutants


Cyprien Jourdain, University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering
«Atmospheric black carbon radiative forcing driven by coating morphology»