27th ETH Nanoparticles Conference
10.-14. June 2024, ETH Zurich
27th ETH Nanoparticles Conference
10.-14. June 2024, ETH Zurich
for the best publication concerning:
"Interaction between UFP (including adherent molecules) generated from motoric and non- motoric combustion and the human or animal organism, as well on cellular as on systemic level."
Prize money: CHF 2'000
Dr. J. Schiltknecht Ärztinnen und Ärzte für Umweltschutz The Assosiation «Ärztinnen und Ärzte für Umweltschutz» AefU (Doctors for the Environment, Switzerland) strongly supports clean air measures. Special concern is given to a correct evaluation of the impact of different pollutants on scientific ground. Experts consider, that the harm caused by combustion generated ultrafine particles (UFP) is widely underestimated. Monitoring and elimination of this pollutant is urgent.