27th ETH Nanoparticles Conference
10.-14. June 2024, ETH Zurich
27th ETH Nanoparticles Conference
10.-14. June 2024, ETH Zurich
Session 13: Workplace and Indoor Aerosols
Chair: Imad El-Haddad, PSI
Lidia Morawska, Queensland University of Technology
«Exposure-response to ultrafine particles: how to advance knowledge about it»
Ludmila Maskova, Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS
«Personal exposure to particulate matter during grinding of dental nanocomposite»
Freja Rydahl Rasmussen, Danish Technological Institute
«Enhancing Air Quality: Investigating Filter Lifespan and Byproducts in Air Purification Solutions»
Dae Hoon Park, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials
«Development of an Antiviral Electrostatic Precipitator to Prevent Airborne Transmission within Indoor Air Environments by Dry-aerosol Antiviral Coating Method»
Judita Švaikauskaitė, Kaunas University of Technology
«Impact of Building Renovation on Indoor Particulate Matter Levels in Finnish and Lithuanian Dwellings»
Session 14: Nanoparticle formation and transformation
Chair: Oliver Bischof, TSI
Lubna Dada, Paul Scherrer Institute
«Sources of ultrafine particles at a typical rural site in Switzerland»
Matti Rissanen, Tampere University & University of Helsinki
«Rapid formation of aerosol precursors from o/m/p-Xylene and their contribution to secondary organic aerosol formation»
Vinicius Berger, Catalytic Instruments
«Evaluation of Monodisperse Silver Particle Sintering Using a Tandem DMA Setup»
Poster Award Ceremony
Trojan Horse Award Ceremony
Chair: Oliver Bischof
Session 15: Occupational exposure and prevention
Chair: Claudia Mohr, PSI / ETH Zurich
Christina Isaxon, Lund University
«Airborne PM generated from handling of crushed carbon nanotube-enhanced concrete»
Keld Alstrup Jensen, NRCWE
«Workplace exposure to airborne particles in the plastics recycling and manufacturing industry»
Suranie Horn, North-West University, South Africa
«Occupational exposure risks of hazardous biological agents in an animal testing facility»
Coffee Break
Session 16: Chemical composition, transport, and exposure
Chair: Loretta Müller, Inselspital Bern
Talk Award Ceremony
Chair: Claudia Mohr
Michael Riediker, SCOEH: Swiss Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health
«Aerosols, a tool for assessing airborne transmissions of hazardous substances and agents»
Closing remarks by Loretta Müller, Inselspital Bern and end of conference